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FXPHD - PST201 Building a Post Boutique Hootenanny Case Study


Organic Loops Harpsichord

ZBrush Anatomy & Design Package by Rafael Grassetti

Sayatoo SubtitleMaker

多种LUTs色彩预设 + Pr/Ae调色插件 Koji Studio + Koji Advance v1.008

Mentor Graphics Expedition Enterprise Flow EE7.9.5 & DMS7.9.5

FXPHD – DOP221 Killer Production Value for Interviews, Promos & Production

Cinema 4D 2024.1.0+Redshift渲染器 V3.5.18 Win/Mac中英文版 C4D 2024.1.0

Redshift 渲染器 V.3.0.45 For C4D/Houdini/Maya/3DS MAX插件版本 Win破解版

Gravez Ascension Kit 3 WAV

RealFlow流体模拟插件 NextLimit Realflow v3.3.7.0059 C4D R26-2023 WIN

Lynda – Foundations of Typography: Hierarchy and Navigation

FTI BlankWorks 2017.0 for SolidWorks 2010-2018

Siemens DIGSI 4.90

Artlandia SymmetryWorks 6.19 for Adobe Illustrator x64

二维卡通手绘漫画绘制软件 Cybernoids Live2D Cubism PRO V5.0.0 Win中文版

自然环境HDR贴图预设 Gumroad

专业人像修图美容化妆磨皮PS插件 MUA Retouch Panel 1.0.1

Zbrush破碎地形制作训练视频教程 Gumroad Intro to Destruction Sculpting by Davi...


AE 魔法抠像插件 YY_MagicKey v1.1 x64(Z汉化)

The Budos Band – Burnt Offering (2014/2019) FLAC

Houdini毛发头发制作教程 Udemy – Intro To Hair And Fur In Houdini 19.5

Houdini程序化建模教程 Udemy – Houdini 19.5 Tutorial – Procedural Modeling – SciFi HDA

Houdini蝴蝶粒子特效教程 Udemy

Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) 2019.0102

3ds Max 2013建模技术大全

《3dsMax2013快速建模技术书籍》3ds Max Speed Modeling for 3D Artists by Thomas...

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