CG数据库 >> Curiousanimal Complete DC020315 WINONLY

Curiousanimal Complete DC020315 WINONLY


CA Attach Falloff To Null

CA Boole Falloff.1.01

CA Deformer Pack.1.38

CA Falloff.1.11

CA Mega Deformer Pack.1.07

CA Membrane.1.01

CA Noise Falloff.1.01

Curious Animal是一个设计,制作动画和编程的工作室,由丹 拉德运行这个工作室。

丹是一个设计师和动画师。他用代码,使更多的东西成为可能,以及使无聊重复的东西更容易生产,让他可以更专注于创意的东西。这些cinema 4D 的插件和脚本都来自于他的实际项目中。

Curious Animal Limited does design, animation and coding, and is run by Dan Fitzgerald.

Dan is a working designer and animator. He uses code to make more things possible, as well as to make boring stuff easier so he can focus more on the creative things. Some of that will make its way onto this site, as plugins and Python scripts for Cinema 4D.

Curiousanimal Complete DC020315 WINONLY的图片1

发布日期: 2015-3-24