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FXFX Maya Real Studio 2



1 - 玛雅打开脚本编辑器。加在fxfx_maya_real_studio_2.mel选择脚本,只要按照步骤,按按钮,比如1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,然后按渲染。



FXFX Maya Real Studio 2的图片1

After FXFX Maya Real Studio ver 2.0!

It is so easy to use again, just press buttons in order and your realistic render is ready!


1-Open Maya Script Editor. Load fxfx_maya_real_studio_2.mel Select script area and press Ctrl+Enter

1-Just follow the steps, (press buttons in order like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) and press render.

2-Replace test object with your object!

Your render is ready!

Don’t forget to add “Fxfx Maya Real Studio” to your shelf,

To add it to shelf,

Firstly select Custom shelf tab,

From the main menu; [Window] > [General Editors] > [Script Editor]

In the script editor window menu, [File] > [Load Script...]

Load “fxfx_maya_real_studio_2.mel” and in the editor MEL panel, Ctrl+A to select all script,

hold your middle mouse button on and drag it to your Custom Shelf panel.

发布日期: 2015-6-7