Watts Atelier Online Workbooks,wattsatelier网站的在线手绘绘画教程电子书合集。
Watts Atelier艺术工作室位于加利福尼亚宁静的海滨小镇Encinitas,工作室认为,建设一个强大的基础技能是学生最重要的。像一个运动员或音乐家,视觉艺术家必须巩固建立技能,并通过勤奋实践保持他们的基本的艺术概念。
Watts Atelier of the Arts is located in the quiet beach town of Encinitas, California, 30 miles north of San Diego. The Atelier was founded by Jeffrey R. Watts in 1992 as an intimate studio environment. It is now operated by Mr. Watts and a core of teachers predominantly trained at the atelier.
Watts Atelier has been modeled after the studio ateliers of nineteenth century Europe. We at Watts Atelier believe that building a strong foundation of skills is the most important endeavor of any student. We believe the path to prosperity in any field is paved with superior knowledge, a strong work ethic, and a clear focus of purpose. Much like an athlete or musician, the visual artist must continue to build skills, and maintain them through diligent practice of the fundamental concepts of art.
Watts Atelier brings together students of all ages and skill levels, from professional to novice, in an environment of visual learning that is highly structured with a low student-to-teacher ratio. Watts Atelier now offers three progressive certificate programs: Foundation, Advanced, and Portfolio. Students of all levels are welcome. No portfolio review is required for enrollment.
发布日期: 2015-9-16