CG数据库 >> Riptide Pro+MorphMill+IOgre+Undertow+ CINEMA 4D R17 Plu-ins

Riptide Pro+MorphMill+IOgre+Undertow+ CINEMA 4D R17 Plu-ins

几个额外的cinema 4d 工作流使用的物体建模插件:

Riptide Pro(商业版)是C4D的Wavefront .obj格式导入导出插件。

Riptide Pro (commercial) Enhanced Wavefront .obj Import/Export plugin - commercial plugin.

Riptide Pro+MorphMill+IOgre+Undertow+ CINEMA 4D R17 Plu-ins的图片1


I/Ogre (commercial) I/Ogre is a Game-Oriented DCC Tool plug-in.

Riptide Pro+MorphMill+IOgre+Undertow+ CINEMA 4D R17 Plu-ins的图片2

Morph Mill(商业版)是一套旨在协助建立和编辑变形网格的插件。

Morph Mill (commercial) Morph Mill is a set of plugins designed to assist in the creation and/or editing of Morph Meshes.

Riptide Pro+MorphMill+IOgre+Undertow+ CINEMA 4D R17 Plu-ins的图片3


Undertow (commercial) A commercial plugin  designed to assist UV-mapping within BodyPaint3D.

Riptide Pro+MorphMill+IOgre+Undertow+ CINEMA 4D R17 Plu-ins的图片4

发布日期: 2015-9-20