CG数据库 >> Patreon Lo0bo0

Patreon Lo0bo0, Lo0bo0 手绘作品及流程图。

Hi this is me Lo0bo0, I hope you like my content, I am a new artist, and would love to be able to draw all day the content that I want to see, and hopefully you want to see too without the pression to get to work to earn money to survive, so I share with you this package of my work content, and ask you to help me spread them, so more people get to know me and perhaps one might want to sponsor me, if you like it share it, I hope it helps you in a way to learn something from my files, and if you really liked it and want to see more from me like me on, watch me on and support me in, thanks a lot and I hope you find my content good, see you next month, thanks。

Patreon Lo0bo0的图片1

发布日期: 2015-11-5