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GSG Topcoat v1.0 C4D R16+ WinMac with Official Training Videos

GreyscaleGorilla Topcoat v1.504 WIN_MAC

Topcoat是一种全新的cinema 4D贴图插件,可以轻松地把真实反映你的场景的反射添加到你的物体上。


Topcoat is a brand new texturing plugin from Greyscalegorilla that makes reflectance and adding realistic reflection to your scene easy and beautiful.

Everything we see in the real world is a reflection. It's the most important part of any C4D texturing workflow. So, when Reflectance came out in R16 and R17, we were excited to say the least. Finally, a realistic reflection tool that helped us achieve beautiful photo real renders with native C4D tools.

GreyscaleGorilla Topcoat的图片1

发布日期: 2015-12-8