CG数据库 >> MaxToC4D

MaxToC4D v2.0

MAXtoC4D v3.01

MaxtoC4D v3.4


把你的场景从3dsmax转换到cinema 4D,只需要2次点击!



从3dsmax vray 到C4D vray的材料和设置自动转换。



This will make your life easier, speed up your production, and bring you a new world of possibilities.

Transfer scene from 3DsMAX to C4D with 2 clicks!

Fast make C4D library from 3DsMax models

Vray Support! Transfer 3DsMax scene even if they have vray materials or lights (if vray for 3DsMax installed)

Automatic transfer from 3DsMax Vray to Vray For C4D "similar" materials and settings. (Watch video)

Open models made for 3DsMax and send them to C4D

Use the powerfull 3DsMax modeling tools and instant transfer the scene to C4D with 2 clicks

Send scene from 3DsMax to C4D and from there its easier to integrate to After Effects CC - Live Integration!

And much more!


发布日期: 2016-2-23