CG数据库 >> AE Pixel Sorter

AE Pixel Sorter

AE Pixel Sorter 1.1.3 win mac

AE Pixel Sorter是一个工具,使像素排序在视频编辑中成为可能。你可以选择和动画的所有经典的像素排序模式。

Pixel Sorter插件是一款非常另类的特效工具,很好地进行运动的话能够创造出具有艺术感的画面,用于视频制作和编辑将会非常棒。这款插件将像素的排序算法变得非常容易,利用它几乎可以对所有的经典像素排序模式进行选择和动画,对阀值进行控制,让那些富有艺术感并且具有创新样式的毛刺效果顺利制作出来。

AE Pixel Sorter is the first tool that makes pixel sorting available for motion designers and video editors. Experimenting with pixel sorting algorithms just became so much easier! You can choose and animate all the classic pixel sorting modes, play with the threshold and get near-live feedback of what you're doing. Pixel sorting effects adds a fresh take on ditigal glitch art and goes well with any glitches and datamoshing!

AE Pixel Sorter的图片1

发布日期: 2016-2-23