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Google Earth Pro Final + Key

谷歌地球专业版(Google Earth Pro)是一款Google公司开发的虚拟地球仪软件,你可以在上面查看卫星图像、地图、各种地形地貌和 3D 建筑,包括外太空的银河系以及大洋峡谷,踏上前往世界任何角落的虚拟之旅,游览遥远的地方、漫步 3D 森林、穿梭时空、回到过去。

Google Earth a fresh assembly of the popular client software to work with three-dimensional model of the Earth, created on the basis of high resolution satellite images. Using genuine opportunity to change the scale of images (sometimes down to individual houses), and much more, including the coordinates of an object. The map can be rotated to any angle, most of the maps these are ordinary 2D-pictures, but some objects (settlements) are presented in the form of three dimensional models. Google Earth gives you a wealth of photographic, geographic and astronomical information.

​Google Earth Pro的图片1

发布日期: 2016-3-4