CG数据库 >> Pixelmator

Pixelmator 3.4.4 MAc

Pixelmator 3.5 MAS [TNT]

Pixelmator 是类似于 Photoshop 的图形处理软件。干净整洁的界面易于操作,支持常见的

PSD、TIFF、JPEG、PNG、PDF、EPS 等图形文件格式,以及足可与 Photoshop

匹配的选取、渐变、笔刷、填充、裁切,甚至魔术棒工具等功能,和 50 多种专业的滤镜,以及系统预设的调色板以及字体资源。同时,Photo

Browser 还可以让用户直接从 iPhoto 导入相片


Full-featured image editor for Mac

Pixelmator for Mac is a powerful, fast, and easy-to-use image editor. It lets you enhance and touch up photos, sketch, draw and paint, add text and shapes, apply dazzling effects and more.


发布日期: 2016-6-21