CG数据库 >> The Pixellab Procedural Material Pack Cinema 4D

The Pixellab Procedural Material Pack Cinema 4D

像素实验室的 Cinema 4D 程序材质包!超过340个C4D材质预设来帮助你加快你的工作流程和创新!这个100%的程序材质包充分利用C4D新的反射通道!程序的意思是,他们是无限的不重复的!

"I’m extremely excited to introduce The Pixel Lab “Procedural Material Pack!” Rob Redman and I have teamed up to bring you a very special pack with over 340 C4D materials to help you speed up your workflow and focus on being creative! These 100% procedural materials take full advantage of the new Reflectance channel in C4D! Procedural means that they are infinitely tile-able unlike many other material packs which use image textures and can create seams when you tile them."

The Pixellab Procedural Material Pack Cinema 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2016-6-28