CG数据库 >> Innobright Altus

Innobright Altus v1.5.30 LINUX X64-AMPED

Innobright Altus v1.5.30 X64-AMPED

Innobright Altus v1.5.40 win mac linux

Altus - 世界上第一个多平台,蒙特卡洛降噪系统。



Introducing Altus – the world’s first multi-platform, Monte Carlo render denoising system

Altus gives you the quality you want, in a fraction of the time.

Altus lets you generate fast, noisy renders with smaller samples per pixel (SPP) and filters them to product high quality images/animation.

Altus seamlessly integrates into your workflow and accelerates Monte Carlo renders by 200% to 1200%!

Innobright Altus的图片1

发布日期: 2016-10-9