Luxe Everything Bundle Extended
Luxe lightroom 笔刷和预设资源包扩展包
This bundle includes all presets, post add presets, and local adjustment brushes currently being sold in the store, offered at a substantial savings. This includes 205 presets, and 36 local adjustment brushes from the Essentials, Portraits, Film, Wedding, Fall, and Winter lines. This collection represents the premiere preset package for the well-rounded photographer.
Luxe Essentials Extended Lightroom Presets
Luxe Essentials Lightroom Brushes
Luxe Fall Lightroom Brushes
Luxe Fall Lightroom Presets
Luxe Film Lightroom Brushes
Luxe Film Lightroom Presets
Luxe Portraits Lightroom Brushes
Luxe Portraits Lightroom Presets
Luxe Winter Lightroom Brushes
Luxe Winter Lightroom Presets
发布日期: 2017-2-10