CG数据库 >> Anatomy 360 Bundle

Anatomy 360 Bundle

Anatomy 360 提供动态的人体摄影参考,如果只

从2D图像开始工作可能很棘手,Anatomy 360 可以通过允许旋转,改变光线和阴影来模拟所有内容。

Anatomy 360动画包包含快速连续捕获的多个姿势,以显示100%逼真的肌肉组织的运动状态。


Anatomy 360 姿态包使用全彩全身3D扫描,采用我们最先进的180摄像机扫描系统捕获。


Anatomy 360 为用户提供了对照明角度,强度和颜色设置的完整创意控制。



Anatomy 360 Bundle的图片1

Anatomy 360 represents a stepchange in photographic reference. Working from 2D images can be tricky, Anatomy 360 changes everything by allowing you to rotate, light and shade the model exactly how you want it.

Anatomy 360 motion packs contain multiple poses captured in quick succession in order to show a range of movement with 100% realistic musculature.

Real 3D Scans

Anatomy 360 pose packs use full-colour full body 3d scans, captured with our state of the art 180 camera scanning system.

Complete Lighting Control

Anatomy 360 offers the user complete creative control over the lighting angles, intensity, and colour settings.

Drawing Tools

Our set of drawing tools includes a sketch mode, perspective grids, silhouette model and profile slice tools.


发布日期: 2017-5-16