Priime Styles for FCPX
100种华丽,详细的风格,Priime的风格是与顶级摄影师合作建立的。 我们精心捕捉每位摄影师的美学,一个轻松的解决方案。
A clean, simple way to apply professional styles to your photos on Mac OS.
Works on its own, and with Lightroom and Photos.
Explore styles
Preview your photo with all the different looks applied directly to it, and choose your favorite.
Easy batch editing
Give an entire trip or photoshoot the same look with a few clicks - Priime is optimized to make working with groups of photos easy.
100 Gorgeous, Detailed Styles
Priime's styles are built in collaboration with top photographers. We painstakingly capture each photographer's aesthetic into complete edits, a one-tap solution to putting their look onto an image. We include galleries and descriptions for each style to reveal how it's built and what it does.
发布日期: 2017-6-7