Asilefx - Terrain and Rock Seamless Textures
Asilefx -地形和岩石无缝纹理
图片数贴图图片格式贴图类型文件尺寸34348TIFFColor, Normal, Bump, Alpha, Displacement, Diffusion1.4 GB
Add realism to all your natural scenes with asileFX Terrain and Rock Seamless Textures.
Includes 343 image maps for 48 unique and interchangeable terrain, rock, and stone materials.
Texture sizes range from 2000 x 1500 to 2500 x 2000 pixels.
贴图尺寸的范围在2000 x 1500到2500 x 2000像素
发布日期: 2013-2-14