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Topaz ReMask 3.2.1


Topaz ReMask 是Topaz公司的新产品,它对于抠图提供了一种新颖的方式,快速而简单,利用动作结合通道与蒙板,可以快速地抠图,是一款优秀的抠图滤镜!

Topaz ReMask的图片1

Fast, Easy & Good - The Masking Tool You Want

Anyone editing photos  must be able to select the exact objects or sections, which is essential  to improving your photos. This ability to select objects and cutout  backgrounds provides greater flexibility to your post processing  workflow - making essential editing tasks like background replacement,  selective adjustments, repositioning and multi-layer compositions  effortless.

With ReMask's powerful and controllable tools you  can quickly and easily select any part of your image. Like a pair of  digital scissors, ReMask allows you to define the edges of an object and  intuitively

cut it out - which as a photographer, saves you both time and money.

发布日期: 2013-6-5