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Xara Designer Pro X

Xara Designer Pro X

Xara Designer Pro X

Xara Designer Pro X365 v12.6.2 Patched

Xara Designer Pro X365 (x86+x64) + Patch

Xara  Designer Pro是Xara出品的一套很棒的图形图像编辑处理软件包,Xara  Designer用来绘图、处理图像、制作WEB图形,具有制图速度快、软件体积小、界面美观等特点,被誉为世界上速度最快的绘图软件。Xara  Designer除了拥有极强绘图能力外,Designer Pro  的另一个显著特点就是能够很方便的快速“生产”网页图片(支持类似Photoshop的切图功能)。

Xara Designer 是矢量图形软件,其操作方式和CorelDRAW类似,有些快捷键又和Illustrator一样,功能虽不比大型矢量软件齐全,但常用工具一样不差,有些非常好的功能是CorelDRAW和Illustrator所没有的。

Xara Designer is famous for its speed and  unrivalled ease of use,  making it not just a highly productive tool, but  a pleasure to be  creative.

Xara Designer's Direct Action Tools allow you to create effects   such as transparency, shadows, bevels or gradient fills in an   interactive, fast and intuitive way. No distracting dialogs - simply   drag on the object!

Many tasks in Xara Designer benefit from being able to  use the drag  and drop principle, which is the most intuitive way of  working and a  great time saver. It also supports drag and drop import  of files, such  as photos.

Xara Designer Pro的图片1

发布日期: 2014-8-29