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Adobe Encore CS6 Portable

Adobe Encore CS6 Win64 + Patch

Adobe Encore CS6 6.0.2 Win64 + Patcher + All Extra Content

Adobe Encore(以前的Adobe Encore DVD)是一个由Adobe Systems制作的DVD制作软件工具,用来针对专业的视频制作。

What is Encore?

Adobe® Encore®  CS6 is 64-bit software that enables you to create  DVDs, Blu-ray discs,  and web DVDs, all from a single interface. Send  Adobe Premiere® Pro  projects directly to Encore without rendering, and  then use flowcharts  to define and view their navigation. Encore is  included in Adobe Premiere Pro software.

Adobe Encore的图片1

发布日期: 2014-7-4