Inkys Ultimate Bundle,Inky 网站的会员资源包。
在这种设计的混合资源包里,你会发现大量必须具备的收集,如:矢量素材,Photoshop动作和笔刷,矢量插图,贴图和更多的资源 - 共1365个优质资源包在您的指尖!
- 250个矢量插图价值$1000。
- 750向量图标价值价值$544。
- 20个T恤设计价值$200。
- 102个高解析度的纹理价值$70。
- 69个 Photoshop笔刷价值$38。
- 47个Photoshop插件价值$80。
- 127个网页元素价值$80。
There is only one day left to get this marvelous design bundle, created especially to help you finish your works in no time and save big bucks along the way!
In this design cocktail you will find a massive collection of must-have resources such as: vectors, Photoshop Actions and Brushes, Vector Illustrations, Textures and more – a total of 1365 premium items at your fingertips!
You will get:
- 250 Vector Illustrations worth $1000
- 750 Vectors worth $544
- 20 T-shirt Designs worth $200
- 102 High-Res Textures worth $70
- 69 Photoshop Brushes worth $38
- 47 Photoshop Addons worth $80
- 127 Web Elements worth $80
发布日期: 2014-2-4