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RedGiant PluralEyes v3.21 for Win

Red Giant PluralEyes v3.2.0 MacOSX

PluralEyes 3.5.5 MAC

Red Giant PluralEyes v3.5.5 (Adobe PP CC 2014 Compatible) (Win) (x64)

PluralEyes®将是您最喜爱的视频编辑工具,即时同步所有的多摄像头的视频和音频轨道 - 消除复杂的相机设置,时间码,以及繁琐的手工时间同步。节省时间和金钱,减少挫折,并释放自己专注于创造性的编辑过程。

PluralEyes® works with your favorite video editing tool to  instantly  sync all of your multi-camera video and audio tracks –  eliminating  complicated camera set-ups, timecode, and hours of tedious  manual  syncing. Save time and money, reduce frustration, and free  yourself to  focus on the creative editing process.

RedGiant PluralEyes的图片1

发布日期: 2014-8-26