Digital Tutors - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and Mudbox
Digital Tutors - 在3ds Max和Mudbox中创建游戏武器
在这个教程中,我们将使用的Mudbox和3ds Max打造和冷兵器的细节。虽然3ds Max是不错的的非常快速的高效的模型创建工具,但是Mudbox更擅长交互雕刻复杂的细节。通过结合使用这两个软件,我们可以充分利用各自的优势来快速创建一个有凝聚力的数字模型。在这个教程中,我们先建立武器的基本几何形状,并在3ds Max中添加的UV后,我们将模型导出到Mudbox中,开始雕刻。我们会添加各种细节,以及使用通道绘画创建模型的纹理和镜面反射。我们也将输出法线贴图和环境光遮蔽贴图。最后,我们再回到3ds Max中制作。
In this course we will use Mudbox and 3ds Max to build and detail a bladed weapon. While 3ds Max is great at creating models very quickly and efficiently, Mudbox excels at interactively sculpting complex detail. By using these two packages in conjunction, we can leverage their respective strengths to quickly create a cohesive digital asset. After building our base geometry of our sample project, a bladed weapon, and adding UVs in 3ds Max, we'll take the geometry into Mudbox to begin sculpting. We'll add a variety of detail, as well as using Channel painting to create textures for the color and specularity of the models. We'll also output normal maps and ambient occlusion maps. Finally, we'll put everything back together in 3ds Max. Upon completion, you be able to create your own weapons or props using these two powerful programs.
发布日期: 2013-11-25