CG数据库 >> Artbeats - 拉斯维加斯高清视频素材

Artbeats - Las Vegas Aerials HD

Artbeats - 拉斯维加斯高清视频素材


There's simply no place like Vegas. The spectacular architecture,  sparkling advertisements and stunning lighting effects on the casinos  bring Sin City to life in this unique aerials package. Shooting mostly  at night and stabilizing by the Gyron system, we've circled the city,  captured bird's eye views of the casinos, and zoomed down the strip at  high speed. You won't be gambling on any results here - it's a sure bet!  HD collection features a selection of 15 clips.

Artbeats - 拉斯维加斯高清视频素材的图片1

发布日期: 2014-6-5