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Broadcast Graphics Templates Vol2


高端的视频模板,用于快速创建叹为观止的电视节目的开场和效果。此集合包括21个After Effects的项目源文件,你可以轻松地定制,以适应满足您的需求。这些模板是基于Boris Continuum Complete 8,世界上最全面的视觉特效插件集合。

Vol.  2 of high-end motion graphics templates for fast creation of openers  and TV graphics. This collection includes 21 open After Effects projects  which you can easily customize to fit suit your needs. The templates  are based upon Boris Continuum Complete 8, one of the world's most  comprehensive VFX plug-in collections for Macintosh and Windows.

Broadcast Graphics Templates Vol2的图片1

发布日期: 2014-3-18