Computer Graphics World – January February 2014
CGW探讨尖端的图形技术,包括3d建模、动画和可视化用于这样的应用程序比如:CAD / CAM / CAE、建筑、科学可视化、特效、数字视频,电影,和互动娱乐。杂志CGW是网站发行的实体杂志.
在 36年中,Computer Graphics World已经覆盖计算机图形技术的各个行业,电影特效动画师,游戏开发者,图形艺术家,科学家,工业设计师等等,CGW紧紧跟随计算机图形行业的最新发 展,并发现最先进的计算机图形工具和技术在他们的工作中,CGW包括印刷出版物,互联网网站,社交媒体,视频和通讯,并且还在不断扩展新的发展渠道。
The CGW brand includes a printed publication, an Internet site, social media, video, and newsletters, and is constantly expanding as new communications channels develop.
For 36 years, Computer Graphics World has been covering innovation in computer graphics Technology across various industries. Film effects animators, game developers, graphic artists, scientists, industrial designers, and others whose work covers the breadth of high-end visual computing turn to CGW to stay abreast of the latest developments in the computer graphics industry and to discover opportunities for applying state-of-the-art computer graphics tools and techniques in their work, across all genres.
发布日期: 2014-5-10