CG数据库 >> AdvancedSkeleton v3.98

AdvancedSkeleton v3.98

AdvancedSkeleton 是animationstudios的玛雅制作角色的工具集合。

AdvancedSkeleton is a collection of Maya tools for doing character setup.

Main Features:

Unlimited body configurations, 3 heads, 5 legs, 100 fingers, & anything goes.

Not only creatures, but can also rig props, vehicles, and just about anything.

You can at any time go from AdvancedSkeleton, back to the FitSkeleton, make changes, and rebuild.

SelectorDesigner, tool that lets you easily create custom `Selector` user interfaces.

AnimationLibrary, tool for storing and retrieving poses and animation.

FaceSetup allows quick setup of both realistic and cartoony faces.

AdvancedSkeleton v3.98的图片1

发布日期: 2014-7-8