CG数据库 >> Maas Digital's StarPro 2.0 for Nuke win linux

Maas Digital's StarPro 2.0 for Nuke win linux

Maas Digital's StarPro时渲染美丽的,正确的天文星域的最佳方式 - 现在可用于Adobe After Effects, The Foundry Nuke, 和 NewTek Lightwave 3D.

StarPro可以和任何相机可以导入到After Effects or Nuke, including Maya, 3D Studio Max, Softimage3D的软件配合使用!






Maas Digital's StarPro™ is the best way to render beautiful, astronomically correct star fields - now available for Adobe After Effects, The Foundry Nuke, and NewTek Lightwave 3D.

StarPro works with any 3D package that can export camera motion to After Effects or Nuke, including Maya, 3D Studio Max, Softimage, and more!

Maas Digital's StarPro 2.0 for Nuke win linux的图片1

发布日期: 2015-1-3