CG数据库 >> Win/Mac版:红巨人后期流程插件套装 Red Giant Shooter Suite 13.0.3

【插件介绍】Red Giant Shooter Suite v13.0.3Red Giant Shooter Suite 13is the latest version of plugins package for shooters and editors working with media from cameras and audio devices.

The Shooter Suite is a set of four tools that gives you the freedom to shoot the way you want, with the confidence that your footage will make it from your camera to the editing timeline safe, sound and in sync.

官网:红巨人插件:后期流程插件套装更新 Red Giant Shooter Suite 13一套非常不错的插件套装,能节约你后期工作流程,解决你多种后期方案。

插件支持 :AE,PR,VEGAS,AVID…..等软件Shooter Suite 13.0.3 更新– Many new features in Red Giant PluralEyes, as well as integration between PluralEyes 4 and Offload.

自定对音频插件PluralEyes 添加很多新特性,Offload更新支持软件有:(Mac/Win)·Adobe After Effects CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3·Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3·Final Cut Pro 6, 7, X,FCPX·Avid Media Composer 7 or later插件目录:– Plural Eyes v4.0.0     音视频自动同步插件 主要更新– Offload v1.0.2

素材备份工具– Instant 4K v1.5.2

高清插件(支持4K)– Frames v1.1.5


【插件下载】Windows 版本下载Mac OSX 版本下载SN序列号下载Red Giant Shooter Suite 13.0.1 CE 一键安装版(Win 可用 PluralEyes 4.0)备用序列号使用:Denoiser IIMBNK1245865095746168Frames 1.1MBFK1245843484599512Instant 4KIHDK1245843086124132Offload 1.0OFLK1245858439487526BulletProof 1.2.2RGBK1245874736628977PluralEyes 3.5PLLK1245872562842515PluralEyes 4.0暂无序列号LUT Buddyincluded free

Win/Mac版:红巨人后期流程插件套装 Red Giant Shooter Suite 13.0.3的图片1

发布日期: 2016-05-11