CG数据库 >> 达芬奇教程:新版达芬奇12.5新功能教程介绍 Ripple Training – DaVinci Resolve 12.5 – New Features

【教程简介】新版达芬奇 12.5 新功能特点教程介绍最近分布的 DaVinci Resolve  12.5比以往任何版本都更强大,250种新功能和用户界面的改进,在这个训练教程你会和 Fusion 合成软件创建一个视觉效果,然后在达芬奇软件中使用,你将学习如何管理媒体使变得更容易共享您的声音效果,标题和剪辑之间的所有创建项目。

当编辑时,你会发现有用的增强效果,如新的剪辑,颜色,编码,在你的时间线一个改进的“新跟踪-‘new tracks”对话框,并扩大多剪辑的交换编辑,使其成为一个场景,重新安排在你的时间轴段和场景。




最后介绍新的 resolvefx 滤镜效果:辉光,光线、镜头模糊,胶片颗粒,镜头光晕效果等,你会看到如何使用新的FX跟踪使你的特效随着镜头的运动。


教程为高清视频教程,英语对白,无中文字幕,4小时35分钟时长,不包括项目媒体DaVinci Resolve 12.5 – New FeaturesThe recently announced DaVinci Resolve 12.

5 is more powerful than ever, with 250 new features and UI enhancements.

DaVinci Resolve 12.

5 – New Features is a new training title from noted author and colorist Alexis Van Hurkman.

In this training you’ll work with Blackmagic’s Fusion compositing software to create a visual effect, send it to Resolve, then bring it back again.

You’ll learn how media management just became easier with Power Bins for sharing your sound effects, titles and clips among all projects you create.

When it comes to editing, you’ll discover helpful enhancement such as new clip color-coding, an improved ‘new tracks’ dialog for inserting multiple tracks anywhere in your timeline, and expanded multi-clip swap edits that make it a snap to rearrange segments and scenes in your timeline.

And there are many improvements to grading, too.

There’s new support for high-dynamic-range color, with updated scopes, an HDR Grading Mode in the node editor, and improved dual-setting Resolve Color Management.

You’ll learn how the new Temperature and Tint controls make it easy to add small color tweaks, while improved Log and Contrast controls make grading in Resolve even smoother.

You’ll learn how to select multiple control points when editing Power Windows, how to apply the vastly improved Temporal noise reduction controls to fix problem clips, how to edit node trees faster than ever before, and how to use the new Reference Sizing controls and clickable Split Screen Views to compare clips and grades even more easily.

Finally, you’ll get an overview of the new ResolveFX filters with an introduction to the Glow, Light Rays, Lens Blur, Film Grain, Lens Flare effects and more, and you’ll see how to use the new FX Tracker to make your effects follow along with the motion of a shot.

Among the hundreds of new features Alexis covers, you’ll find innumerable ways to edit, grade, and finish faster and smoother than ever.

Who this Tutorial is for:This tutorial is for editors, colorists and content creators who need an immersive guide to the new features in DaVinci Resolve 12.

5 This tutorial was designed for users who are already familiar with previous versions of DaVinci Resolve.

Users who need to get up to speed quickly should purchase our DaVinci Resolve 12 QuickStart.

Software Version: DaVinci Resolve 12.5Run Time: 4 Hours and 35 MinutesProject Media: Not Included

【教程下载】达芬奇教程:新版达芬奇12.5新功能教程介绍 DaVinci Resolve 12.5 – New Features

【软件下载】Win/Mac版:达芬奇专业调色软件 DaVinci Resolve v12.5b1

达芬奇教程:新版达芬奇12.5新功能教程介绍 Ripple Training – DaVinci Resolve 12.5 – New Features的图片1

发布日期: 2016-05-23