【脚本简介】在AE软件中模拟摄像机动画的非常用的技巧,但是摄像机控制需要很熟练的技术才可模拟出真实有效的动画,有了 MonkeyCam Pro 这个脚本,将能在AE中很容易的控制和设置摄像机动画,可以在摄像机动画制作多个目标点控制,可以调节:运动模糊,焦距,抖动等其他属性适用于Win/Mac系统下:Adobe After Effects CC 2014 或更高版本 ,带视频使用教程MonkeyCam Pro is a new procedural camera animator for After Effects that makes complex camera moves in 3D space a breeze. Featuring instant set up and a breakthrough motion algorithm that eliminates Gimbal Lock, MonkeyCam Pro is the latest in a line of Monkey Tools designed to be a perfect blend of power and simplicity. Includes multiple interpolation options, motion effects and marker-based timing controls for easy adjustments and audio syncing脚本安装:拷贝.jsxbin脚本文件到AE安装目录下:Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Pane
【脚本下载】AE脚本:摄像机动画运动控制脚本 Aescripts MonkeyCam Pro v1.0 + 使用教程
发布日期: 2016-07-12