CG数据库 >> AE脚本:信息数据图表动画生成脚本 Aescripts Infographics Toolkit v1.03 + 使用教程

【脚本简介】Infographics Toolkit   脚本可以快速制作漂亮的信息数据图文动画可通过csv表格文件导入数据,也可手动在AE输入数据,对数据进行编辑修改等操作你也可以使用脚本的用户界面创建自己的图表,含10种不同样式的数据信息图表展示适用于Win/Mac系统下:Adobe After Effects CS6 或更高版本  ,带视频使用教程Infographics Toolkit is a full solution for creating end-to-end data infographic presentations.

It not only creates beautifully animated charts that are created automatically from any spreadsheet source (or directly input) but also gives you many template styles (with many free added through in-app updates) for the intro and outro logo animations as well as smooth transitions.

It then puts the entire presentation together using it’s innovative “Automatic Final Builder” feature that makes adjusting the final presentation a breeze.

【脚本下载】AE脚本:信息数据图表动画生成脚本 Aescripts Infographics Toolkit v1.03 + 使用教程

AE脚本:信息数据图表动画生成脚本 Aescripts Infographics Toolkit v1.03 + 使用教程的图片1

发布日期: 2016-07-12