CG数据库 >> Win/Mac版:AE插件:E3D三维模型插件 Element 3D v2.2.2.2147 破解版

【插件介绍】videocopilot 强大的AE三维模型插件 E3D V2.2.2终于出完美破解版啦,目前最新版本号为 Video Copilot Element 3D v2.2.2 build 2147支持  Win/Mac 系统下 Adobe After Effects CS5 – CC 2014,CC 2015.3值得遗憾的是 E3D V2.2.2 新版本插件将不再支持 32位的电脑系统和 CS4及以下版本新版本添加了众多新功能和改进:可以直接加载C4D的材质和贴图,界面更加的美观实用,添加新视图,不过这款插件官方售价还是不菲 $199.95(约人民币1230元),有经济条件的朋友建议支持正版,官网地址: 3D v2.2.2 build 2147 版本更新内容:Animation Engine Fixes    动画引擎修复CS5 Compatibility Fixes   修复对 AE CS5 软件的兼容官网更新动态:

【插件下载】内附安装说明和破解补丁Win 版下载:百度云网盘下载Mac 版下载:百度云网盘下载.

【E3D V2 模型/材质/贴图/灯光包下载】Video Copilot – Motion Design 2, Backlight, Pro Shaders 2(Mac/Win).

问题参考:01. AE报错:could not be loaded (126):无法加载增效工具(48:46)报错信息说明:After Effects错误:位于X:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects \Support Files\Plug-ins\VideoCopilot\Element.aex 的一个插件无法加载。


有些第三方插件也采用了包含实际例程的二级结构,这种插件只是为了使用主程序才与其挂钩的,这种插件众所周知的例子有Magic Bullet Looks插件、Sapphire蓝宝石插件和Silhoutte Roto插件,所有的这些插件都使用的是外部的数据库(例如Windows上的DLL文件)。





02.程序出现崩溃大多数情况下与显卡有关,请确认显卡知否支持插件,或者更新显卡驱动How to Install:1. Install Element 3D (As Administrator)2. Copy .aex file to your AEF/Support Files/Plug-ins/VideoCopilot/… and REPLACE the EXISTING files3. Run AEF (As Administrator)4. Add Element 3D Effect and click Install License (from Element 3D auth form)5. EnjoyDo not install this if your Element is already legally licensed, it can damage your existing licenseand you’ll need to get a new one…If you still want to use cracked version over legal one at your own risk backup videocopilot folder from:C:\programdata\videocopilot (for Vista and Win7)%AppData%\videocopilot (for XP)and use cracked version, when you want to restore it just replace back the folderIn case you have trouble with license or you bought the plugin and want a clean install you can try to delete the following:folder: C:\programdata\videocopilot (for Vista and Win7)folder: %AppData%\videocopilot (for XP)Crashes might be related to your videocard drivers, check the google and VideoCopilot support forum for fixes.

Credits to MrStock and donors and spider853.

Win/Mac版:AE插件:E3D三维模型插件 Element 3D v2.2.2.2147 破解版的图片1

发布日期: 2016-08-11