CG数据库 >> Mac版:AE/Pr鱼眼广角镜头畸变扭曲修复360VR转换插件 REVisionFX RE-Lens v1.1.2

【插件简介】RE-Lens  是 REVisionFX 公司新出的一款鱼眼广角镜头畸变扭曲修复转换插件,也可轻松制作 360° VR视频1.1.2 新版修复一个GPU加速问题官网地址:支持Mac系统:– Adobe After Effects CS5 – CC 2015.3– Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 – CC 2015.3插件特性• RE:Lens can unwarp your curved footage. Great for action cameras!• RE:Lens creates panoramas from a single camera, and is great for 360 panorama workflow.

• Capture high-res super-wide-angle footage and RE:Lens to animate camera rotations and zooms in post, providing greater flexibility when directing the viewer’s attention.

Even create two separate virtual views using a single camera! Great for sports, landscape, billboard, or wide banner usage.

【插件下载】Mac版:AE/Pr鱼眼广角镜头畸变扭曲修复360VR转换插件 REVisionFX RE-Lens v1.1.2

Mac版:AE/Pr鱼眼广角镜头畸变扭曲修复360VR转换插件 REVisionFX RE-Lens v1.1.2的图片1

发布日期: 2016-09-05