CG数据库 >> FCPX/FCP7插件:超级慢动作视频变速插件 Twixtor Pro 6.1.0

【插件介绍】FCPX/FCP7插件:超级慢动作变速插件:Twixtor Pro 6.1.0Twixtor Pro 变速插件是Vision Effects公司比较有名的比较流行的一款插件,它能够”无极”的减慢、加速或变更连续图像的帧速,制作视频升降格动画,带给你惊人的视觉效果,Twixtor raises the bar in motion estimation. Twixtor is much more accurate, tracks objects farther, and exhibits fewer artifacts when there are objects crossing in the scene. This means less tearing and stretching of objects as they cross or go out of the frame.looka.comTwixtor Pro 6.1.0 新功能:Added an update checker for future version updating.

The update check runs on the local machine, and must be manually run.


支持软件:(Mac OS X 苹果电脑)Final Cut Pro 7,FCP 7 或者更高版本。

Final Cut Pro X 10.0.8 或者更高版本,支持FCPX10.3


FCPX/FCP7插件:超级慢动作视频变速插件 Twixtor Pro 6.1.0的图片1

发布日期: 2016-11-30