【介绍简介】GreyScaleGorilla – Grade LUTs 拥有超过100种LUTS预设, .cube格式 和 .3dl 格式 和 .look格式供行业标准的3D LUT,更好、更快、更容易的颜色校正和分级调色,让画面颜色看起来富有创意。
LUT 能够快速的搞定画面的调色步骤,具有丰富的动态色彩,让你的画面看起来更像电影胶片色彩大部分后期软件都可以使用LUT,就是说你可以很方便的将LUT引入你的后期流程中。
Greyscalegorilla is proud to present Gorilla Grade LUTs, a set of 100 different cinematic color grades that you can easily apply to your footage or 3d renders.
You can load these LUT files into many leading digital content creation tools such as Photoshop, After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Nuke, Fusion, and much more.
Gorilla Grade LUTs can quickly and easily color grade your 3D renders, motion design, live action, or even photos.
Whether your project is a 3D render, live action footage, or even a photograph shot with your phone, a powerful, yet tasteful color grade can help take your work to the next level.
All of the Gorilla Grade LUTs are 3D LUTs in .
cube, .
3DL, and .
look formats and are sRGB Look LUTs.
They are not created to work in LOG.
支持软件:(Mac/Win)DaVinci Resolve (Full & Lite)Adobe SpeedgradeAdobe Premiere CS6-CC 2016Adobe After Effects CS6-CC 2016Adobe Photoshop CS6-CC 2016Final Cut Pro XFinal Cut Pro 7Avid MC 7ShakeSony VegasEdiusPandora Revolution/PixiCineForm Studio PremiumNukeSCRATCHFilm MasterQuantel PabloBaseLightMotion 5/4
【LUTs 预设下载】百度云网盘下载
发布日期: 2017-03-20