【教程简介】VideoCopilot 的 AK(全名 ANDREW KRAMER)老师又为我们带来了全新的AE特效制作教程纯AE制作了炫酷的闪电效果,未使用外置的第三方插件,教程时长56分钟,讲解了很多制作技巧,你一定可以学到很多新的知识点。
官网地址:http://www.videocopilot.net/blog/2017/05/new-tutorial-advanced-electric-fx-100-ae/In this 3-in-1 Tutorial we get the high-voltage action! This massive 56 min tutorial has so many tips and tricks you are sure to learn something new!Techniques:Direction Lightning MovementDynamic Reflections with realistic falloffSub Surface Illuminated CloudsInteractive Lightning boltsNice Soft Glow recipeNo extra Plug-ins needed! 100% After Effects!Project files and footage coming up! After I gets some sleep!
【教程下载】AE教程:AK讲解制作能量闪电特效片头动画 Advanced Electric FX百度云网盘下载
发布日期: 2017-05-10