【预设介绍】这套LUTs预设共16种效果, .cube格式,主要为黑白风格专业的电影大片色彩风格,可以使用在众多视频调色素材上;供行业标准的3D LUT,更好、更快、更容易的颜色校正和分级调色,让画面颜色看起来富有创意。
LUT 能够快速的搞定画面的调色步骤,具有丰富的动态色彩,让你的画面看起来更像电影胶片色彩大部分后期软件都可以使用LUT,就是说你可以很方便的将LUT引入你的后期流程中。
The 3D LUTs in this category are inspired by various black and white films.
Some 3D LUTs mimic certain film emulations while others take a more creative approach.
These 3D LUTs can be used on all types of images and films whenever a black and white monochromatic look is desired.
支持软件:(Mac/Win)DaVinci Resolve (Full & Lite)Adobe SpeedgradeAdobe Premiere CS6-CC 2017Adobe After Effects CS6-CC 2017Adobe Photoshop CS6-CC 2017Final Cut Pro XFinal Cut Pro 7Avid MC 7ShakeSony VegasEdiusPandora Revolution/PixiCineForm Studio PremiumNukeSCRATCHFilm MasterQuantel PabloBaseLightMotion 5/4
【LUTs 预设下载】16种黑白风格专业电影LUTs调色预设 Black White Films Win/Mac百度云网盘下载
发布日期: 2017-06-01