CG数据库 >> FCPX高级调色教程 Lynda – Final Cut Pro X Guru: Color Correction (2017)

【教程简介】你视频颜色是否看起来不准确或是太平淡?你想提高你画面的色彩,那么这套教程提供了在你的画面调色操作的各种工具,遮罩,特效等分级调色的演示本课程目的是概述一个Final Cut Pro X色彩校正工作流程,这样你就可以轻松地操作和调整视频。


Does the color in your video look inaccurate or flat? Are you looking to enhance the color values of your scene and bring it to life? Final Cut Pro X offers a variety of tools, scopes, and effects for you to grade all of your footage.

This course is designed to provide an extensive overview of the Final Cut Pro X color correction workflow so you can manipulate and adjust video with ease.

Nick Harauz takes you through each step of the process, showing how to evaluate and adjust images, make primary and secondary corrections, and add creative looks.

He also explains how to handle more complicated footage problems, by demonstrating how to use specialized third-party plugins to remove noise and grain, beautify shots, and make color adjustments.

官网地址: include: 涉及内容:Using and customizing a color correction workspace

调色工作区的使用Making basic corrections

基础调整Creating a secondary color selection   辅助色彩的选择Applying creative looks with color correction presets

使用调色预设Restoring color and tone

恢复色彩Working with raw video    使用原始视频调色Applying filmic looks and effects

电影色彩特效的使用Sending clips to DaVinci Resolve

将剪辑素材发送到达芬奇软件Legalizing for broadcast


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发布日期: 2017-09-14