CG数据库 >> 影视后期特效合成软件破解版The Foundry Nuke Studio 11.1v4 Win

【Nuke 11 新功能介绍】

【软件介绍】电影特效软件 当今大型电影绝伦的特效,不禁让人要惊叹其合成的逼真与强大!NUKE曾被用在Digital Domain所制作的很多电影和商业片中。

NUKE 是由The Foundry公司研发的一数码节点式合成软件。

已经过10年的历练,曾获得学院奖(Academy Award)。




引自百度百科点击获取更多Nuke 11 新功能:实时组新的时间去噪(图像处理去噪 – 即实时动作)镜头扭曲改进(完全重写 – 更好的鱼眼等)正确的AMD OpenCL支持HP Z840和NVIDIA Quadro P6000时间轴磁盘缓存(10.5已经有了一些改进)Foundry, makers of Nuke have has released the The Foundry NUKE Studio 11.0v1 Win. This release includes updates across the entire Nuke family that will speed up day-to-day work for artists, so that artists can spend less time managing the technicalities and more time making creative choicesNUKE STUDIO is a powerful node-based VFX, editorial and finishing studio designed to empower creative individuals working independently as well as collaborative teams working on quick-turnaround projects in a way that’s previously never been possible.

A unique and seamless combination of effects and timeline, with NUKE STUDIO, users can conform, edit, color-correct, add effects and playback at 4K.

Run a whole project from a single desktop, even sitting with a client whilst doing it, and use NUKE STUDIO’s powerful collaborative controls to share work with a wider team and manage this from a central integrated location.


【软件下载】影视后期特效合成软件破解版The Foundry Nuke Studio 11.1v4 Win百度云网盘下载

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【视频教程下载】Nuke 11 新功能介绍视频教程下载:百度云网盘下载

【备用旧版破解注册机下载】任意选择其中一种破解即可,含中文安装方法AMPED   破解:百度云网盘下载X-FORCE破解:百度云网盘下载点击自愿赞助 网站


影视后期特效合成软件破解版The Foundry Nuke Studio 11.1v4 Win的图片1

发布日期: 2018-06-08