CG数据库 >> LR预设:100多种先进唯美精品特效+调色预设 Lightroom Bundle Win/Mac

【预设介绍】这里分享的共三套 Lightroom 调色预设:Skylight,Accent,Forecast约100多种预设风格,满足你不同需求,拥有调色,烟雾,下雨,下雪,星空,光斑,灯光,光影等SkylightBeautiful lens flares and glows for Lightroom.

Includes 23 Lightroom presets, and 17 quick color settings.

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AccentStylized glass effects and bokeh.

Includes 23 Lightroom presets and 17 quick color settings.

View tech specs.

ForecastNatural Fog, Rain, Snow, and Stars.

Includes 22 Lightroom presets and 13 quick color settings.

View tech specs.

预设支持 Win/Mac 系统: Lightroom

【下载地址】LR预设:100多种先进唯美精品特效+调色预设 Lightroom Bundle Win/Mac百度网盘下载

LR预设:100多种先进唯美精品特效+调色预设 Lightroom Bundle Win/Mac的图片1

发布日期: 2018-06-15