CG数据库 >> PS/LR插件:磨皮美肤清晰插件Athentech Perfectly Clear V3.5.8 Win/Mac 破解版

【插件简介】Perfectly Clear通过科学得智能图像校正技术 ,让你得照片和图片达到最高质量效果。




点击一次最多20个自动更正,批量处理1000分钟的图像,保持在您的工作流程中,解锁每个图像的细节,轻触专业创建的预设, 节省无数小时的手动编辑,精确调整细节,精确控制。

Go beyond artificial in photo editing and get real intelligence that breathes life into all your images at one time and in just one step.

We’ve spent the last 15 years pioneering automatic batch corrections that mimic the human eye, so you can spend less time on manual edits and more time doing what you love.


【插件下载】内附安装说明方法PS/LR插件:磨皮美肤清晰插件Athentech Perfectly Clear V3.5.8 Win/Mac 破解版百度网盘下载

PS/LR插件:磨皮美肤清晰插件Athentech Perfectly Clear V3.5.8 Win/Mac 破解版的图片1

发布日期: 2018-08-27