CG数据库 >> FCPX/FCP7 数字转胶片调色插件 FilmConvert Pro v2.5 支持4K

【插件介绍】Rubber Monkey FilmConvert Pro 是一款将数字摄影机拍摄的素材色彩转换成胶片色彩的工具,可作为独立程序,也可以作为第三方插件,插件能够为你的画面提供漂亮的色彩,可调整曝光,色温,添加颗粒等,颜色三色轮,二级调色等其他属性支持LUT预设文件导出和保存预设,适用素材 RED,DSLR,MOV等 ,内置多种胶片预设,8MM-35MM 镜头噪点设置,操作流程简单,支持4K输出. 支持GPU和CPU加速Ever since the introduction of Digital Cameras digital evangelists have been saying how Film would eventually be superceeded and replaced.


com] After several decades this is finally happening.

However for many people the look of the digital footage still leaves a lot to be desired and doesnt look as good straight out of the camera.

官方链接:www.filmconvert.comFilmConvert Pro  v2.5更新内容:弹出式的界面控件(以前是嵌入画面中)多种错误BUG修复支持 Mac 苹果软件:Final Cut Pro X 10.3 或者更高版本Final Cut Pro 7 +


FCPX/FCP7 数字转胶片调色插件 FilmConvert Pro v2.5 支持4K的图片1

发布日期: 2018-10-27