CG数据库 >> AE教程:信息数据图表可视化动画制作 Udemy – After Effects – Motion Graphics & Data Visualization



我们将从基础开始,用After Effects将简单的图标吸引到他们身上。

我们将完成一个真实的项目,将Excel连接到After Effects,将无聊的电子表格数据转换为平易近人的视觉信息。



We’ll work through a real life projects, connecting Excel into After Effects to transform your boring spreadsheet data into approachable visual information.

We’ll experiment with lighting & cameras.

We’ll do some fun things with masking, looking at how important sound is in your presentation, all the way through to exporting for Youtube, Powerpoint and all sorts of social media including animated GIFS.

【下载地址】AE教程:信息数据图表可视化动画制作 Udemy – After Effects – Motion Graphics & Data Visualization百度网盘下载

AE教程:信息数据图表可视化动画制作 Udemy – After Effects – Motion Graphics & Data Visualization的图片1

发布日期: 2018-12-29