CG数据库 >> PS插件-专业快速配色扩展工具 Coolorus V2.5.14 Win/Mac 支持Photoshop CC 2019

PS插件-专业快速配色扩展工具 Coolorus V2.5.14 Win/Mac 支持Photoshop CC 20192019/04/09 12:32

分类:Mac 专区/Photoshop/其他辐射/软件/插件

【插件介绍】配色在后期设计中占有主导地位,好的配色能让作品更加抢眼Coolorus 这款专业的配色插件,能够将色彩快速应用于图形/图像或文字层,拥有众多配色方式插件能够给你的配色提高效率,让你的画面更加符合人眼视觉效果。

版本为最新版支持 Win/Mac 系统下:Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 – CC 2019Coolorus is a Color Wheel Panel for Adobe Products (Photoshop and Flash) and all native Mac apps that uses native Apple color picker.

Coolorus is for creative people who would like to improve workflow as much as possible.

Reducing clicks to the minimum, learn about Color Relations, Gamut Masks and the power of triangle HSV representation.



发布日期: 2019-04-09