PS插件-人像美容祛痘润肤美颜插件Ultimate Retouch Panel 3.7.73 Win/Mac2019/06/16 20:32
分类:Mac 专区/Photoshop/软件/插件
【插件介绍】Ultimate Retouch Panel是一款非常适合摄影师和修图师使用的PS扩展面板。
它包含了多种用于修图的工具,并且支持最新Photoshop cc 2019的功能。
Ultimate Retouch panel includes blocks for the base correction, so for retouching, toning and color correction, effects and has 20 programmable buttons for your own action games.
Now glossy touch-you can do in 5 minutes.支持Win/Mac系统: Photoshop CC – CC 2019
发布日期: 2019-06-16