CG数据库 >> AE阵列脚本 deLAYER 使用教程(中文字幕)+AE脚本下载

AE阵列脚本 deLAYER 使用教程(中文字幕)+AE脚本下载2019/08/21 15:22

分类:AE教程/AE脚本/After Effects高清中文翻译视频+AE脚本下载:百度网盘下载此教程由公众号《MG与动画》免费提供翻译脚本介绍:此脚本可以根据距离随机生成延迟阵列动画。


This script moves the in points of the selected layers (up to a user input maximum number of frames) based on either their distance from one of 10 preset points or a delay that is randomly generated.

It works with any size comp and any framerate.

发布日期: 2019-08-21