C4D教程-制作三维循环场景动画 Skillshare – Basics of Cinema 4D and Octane Render: Create a Perfect 3D loop2020/03/12 16:42
分类:C4D教程/Cinema 4D
您将学到Cinema 4D和Octane Render可以提供的所有内容,从基础知识到更复杂的材质和闪电技术。
无需成为可循环播放的动画即可使用,因为您可以将这些知识转换为您可能拥有的每个工作负载!在本课程中,您将学习:Cinema 4D和Octane Render基础知识;快捷方式;关键帧动画;灯光;纹理;构成场景;合成;渲染设置;我们将创建一个无限,完美的循环动画,您可以将其应用于任何3D动画作品中。
即使您从未接触过任何3D软件,也可以继续学习,学习和提高运动图形技能!I’ve been doing motion graphics for concerts and events for around 3years now and I’m now here to share everything I’ve learned. You’ll learn everything that Cinema 4D and Octane Render can offer you, from the basics to more complex material and lightning techniques. Simple animation, using keyframes and adjusting the motion curves that you can incorporate into your everyday needs. Doesn’t need to be a loopable animation to be usefull since you’ll be able to transform this knowledge into every workload you might have!https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Basics-of-Cinema-4D-and-Octane-Render-Create-a-Perfect-3D-loop/1913167983
发布日期: 2020-03-12