CG数据库 >> AE教程-三维空间立体动画终极讲解制作 Skillshare – The Ultimate Guide to 3D in After Effects

AE教程-三维空间立体动画终极讲解制作 Skillshare – The Ultimate Guide to 3D in After Effects2020/03/19 17:22

分类:AE教程/After Effects


在这门综合课程中,您将学到有关在After Effects中进行3D工作的所有知识,并立即开始为您的构图增加深度。

在每个快速视频中,我们将涵盖各种主题,包括:3D空间基础所有3D摄像机,灯光和图层控件及选项建立3D场景并制作动画先进的摄像机动画技术使用标准和Cinema 4D渲染引擎进行渲染在本课程结束时,您将了解在After Effects 3D中自信地工作所需的一切。




In this comprehensive course you’ll learn everything there is to know about working in 3D in After Effects and start adding depth to your compositions in no time.

Basics of 3D spaceAll 3D camera, light and layer controls & optionsBuilding and animating 3D scenesAdvanced camera animation techniquesRendering with both standard and Cinema 4D render enginesBy the end of this course you’ll know everything you need to work confidently in After Effects 3D.

I’ve created several sample projects that you can download and follow as I teach through the lessons.

Along the way you’ll see how I approach unique scenarios, and even how I used 3D in some of my real world client work.

As always, your classmates and I will be available for project feedback, answering questions, and sharing inspiration.

发布日期: 2020-03-19