CG数据库 >> AE运动图形动画教程合集 Lynda – Mograph Techniques Shape Animation


【教程介绍】Lynda 机构出品的一套AE动态图形动画教程 Lynda – Mograph Techniques: Shape Animation in After Effects,现在在设计行业掀起了平面热,很多扁平设计很受大家喜爱,而在视频动画中亦如此,在AE中我们也能制作很多动态图形的平面动画,这些动画在AE中制作很细腻,渲染速度也非常快,如果你要是再会一种平面设计软件,那就加完美了。



There are some big advantages to using shape layers in After Effects: precise, fast rendering; compatibility with Illustrator; and smaller file sizes.

Their vector quality means the artwork can be scaled to any size while remaining crisp and sharp.

And they work with third-party effects and support layer styles.

Take a deep dive and explore how to use the shape tools to communicate ideas in an uncluttered way and make complex animations simple.

Eran Stern shows how to create custom wipe animations, use mathematical operations to animate shapes and paint them in over time, and morph between vector shapes.

官网: include:Creating a basic circle animation revealCascading animation with masks and modesDividing shapes and painting them in over timeRevealing textBuilding a repetitive shape animationMorphing between shapes教程知识点提要:创建一个基本的循环动画,有父子级别的关联动画,图形过渡变换动画,文本/文字动画,创建复杂的重复图形动画,图形变形动画,

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发布日期: 2014-04-14